Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ignorance Thy Name is Rush

Sometimes I wonder what its like to be Rush Limbaugh, so angry, cynical, and ignorant.

That aside I am also fascinated by him. He is a zen master of Hate and Cynicism. He can take one topic and Judo it into some sorta hateful critique of another. Case in point, Rush compares H1N1 hysteria to that of AIDS in Africa. He explains that Africans pretend to have AIDS and inflate the numbers of cases reported so they can get more aid money.

Yes Rush, just like Michael J. Fox exaggerates his Parkinson's symptoms.

What a Jack Ass.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sem-Intelligent Discourse

So for those of you that don't know Senator John McCain is on Twitter (so is his super-hot daughter Meghan).

The Gentleman from Arizona was attacking some Green Initiatives calling them "Pork Barrel." Proof that "Pork Barrel" is in the eye of the beholder. Where as Senator McCain feels a 50 Million Dollar border fence is imperative to our national security, I feel that spending that amount of money on a fence that has been proven ineffective is wasteful and irresponsible, but that is an argument for another day.

In any event, I decided to respond to my friend John McCain's posts.

On to the Tweets!

  • It's Pork Barrel Wednesday: today I will tweet the Top 10 pork barrel projects from the Energy & Water conference report starting with #10
  • #1. $6 million for the Hawaii Renewable Energy Development Venture
  • #2. $2.25 million for the Montana Bio-Energy Center of Excellence in Montana
  • #3. $1.2 million for the Alternative Energy School of the Future in Nevada
  • #4. $2 million for the Algae Research in Washington
  • #5. $10 million for the Sustainable Energy Research Center in Mississippi
  • #6. $1.2 million for the Hydrogen Fuel Dispensing Station in West Virginia
  • #7. $1 million for the Alaska Climate Center in Alaska
  • #8. $1 million for the Performance Assessment Institute in Nevada
  • #9. $750,000 for the Algae to Ethanol Research and Evaluation in New Jersey
  • #10. $1 million for the New School Green Building in New York

I told rich about my battle of wits with McCain, and he decided to join our debate.

I think rich really raised the level of discourse to a height neither I nor Senator McCain were used to.

I will update you if John McCain actually decides to respond to rich or I

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

What do you think I fought for in Omaha Beach?

I found this to be touching and very powerful. So much that I felt the need to post it here.

"A disarming video of an 86-year-old WWII veteran from a public meeting on Maine's marriage equality bill on April 22, 2009."

"The woman at my polling place asked me do I believe in equality for gay and lesbian people. I was pretty surprised to be asked a question like that. It made no sense to me. Finally I asked her: what do you think I fought for in Omaha Beach?"

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p.s. thanks for making me cry at work Rich!

Webcam Test: James Chaplin

My bosses bought everyone in the office a webcam for video conferencing and the eventual return of our YouTube Offerings. They tasked me with playing around with it and finding out all of its features. Having just watched Robert Downey Jr. in the movie Chaplin, I decided to make my own silent movie. Below is the result...

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winslow Schott....

is the Toyman, a villain of Superman's who modified his once innocent toy designs into deadly weapons. I mention this because the following video has me convinced that a Winslow Schott wannabe is working at iRobot....

Seriously, isn't that the same technology as Vac Man? I'm pretty sure it is. Whats next plastic explosives Gak? Cold Water Revealing Camouflage?

Nice move Vac Man way to ruin your hideout, next time why don't stretch OUTSIDE!

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Nien Nunb

Nien Nunb is my favorite Star Wars character! Go ahead, judge me! He's the most interesting Non-Wookie co-pilot to ever sit shotgun in the Millennium Falcon!!!

And now... the first ever Fan Art of Nien Nunb!!!

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Colors On The Inside!

My colorist's name is Ross Hughes, and this is his progress so far...

My good friend Frank Barbarie is doing the letters for me, check out his stuff here. Frank is lettering before the colors are finished, to give me an idea of how it will look, and then is going to adjust them once the colors are finished... Here's a B&W look at the letters.

Give me feedback friends!!!!

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

I <3 NJ

New Jersey Pride Post:

Corey Booker is Amazing I love him!

I love Conan too...


Fuck Conan NJ 4 LIFE!!!!!

P.S. Conan mentioned Elizabeth and Union County!!!!! WOOOO!!!!!

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