Friday, November 13, 2009

Venn Diagram

In recent years, video game companies have gotten into the habit of releasing multiple editions of the same game. The game remains the same but the packaging is always different and there is usually some sort of promotion attached to entice the slobbering masses to buy the more expensive edition. Now usually, promotions feature exclusive game information or content, or an action figure or replica of a character or game item.

Personally, I never have understood the logic in springing extra money for a stupid knick-knack or vestigial level, but some people eat that shit up.

Now that I have imparted that little tidbit of knowledge upon you, I need to discuss a recent promotion that almost made my head explode....

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare II's Prestige Edition comes with NIGHT VISION GOGGLES! Not replica goggles! Actual night vision goggles. Below I have included a Venn Diagram explaining this promotion in more detail, and a picture of the Prestige Edition

I am not really sure what upsets me more the ridiculousness of this, or the fact that I honestly, for the first time in my life, was enticed by one of these sort of promotions. Now let me be clear I don't give a shit about Call of Duty. If I had to come up with any sort of opinion of that game or series it would be negative. BUT NIGHT VISION?


I could finally become Union Township's ever-vigilant Sentinel of Justice poised to fight... jay walkers?


The urge is great! But the ridiculous excess is equally great!

-End Transmission

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