Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer - Lunch Time Sketch

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Blaxploitation TMNT

Yesterday rich arnold and decided to cast a Blaxploitation Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.

Splinter - Morgan Freeman

Casey Jones - Denzel Washington

Leonardo - Terrence Howard

Donatello - Andre Braugher

Michelangelo - Donald Faison

Raphael - 50 Cent

Shredder - Samuel L. Jackson

April O'Neil - Zoe Salanda

Danny and Charles Pennington - Jayden and Will Smith
 Keno - Donald Glover

Tokar and Razar - Phil LaMarr

Super Shredder - Rampage Jackson

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p.s. Awesome unintended consequence, new "Ninja Rap" by 50 Cent!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Very Robin Lunch Week

Here is another collection of my Twitter Lunch Time Sketches! This was a very Robin-ish week, so for your pleasure here are four past/current Robins and a Deathstroke the Terminator (I threw him in because I figure he fights Robins so what the hell!)

Also for a cool Deathstroke write up, head over to the Cool Kids Table!

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Destitute Avengers

In recent years the Avengers have expanded from a singular team book to a multi-title brand in the comics industry.  The newest expansion of said brand being the Avengers Academy and Secret Avengers titles.  However, Given the state of the economy, I think Marvel is really missing out on marketing the books to an untapped market, the homeless. 

I humbly present my suggestion for the newest title in the brand:

The Destitute Avengers

Former allie of Captain America, Dennis now lives in the subterranean city Zero Town.  Because Dennis has  the most experience being Homeless, he is our team leader.

Combination Oceanographer and superhero, the recent events in the gulf have left Stingray homeless.  Thus he begrudgingly joins the team.

These Avengers alum are from an alternate Earth, so for all intents and purposes they are homeless.

The dirty, grungy, and scarred clone of Spider-man has lived on the streets ever since he escaped from the lab he was cloned in.

Patch (Wolverine):
He's on all the teams.

Teen Runaways that live(/d?) on the streets.

With a gimmick like this he deserves to have his home taken away if he even has one.

The Destitute Avengers! Its a million dollar idea!

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obligatory Here's The Geeky Shit On My Desk Post

Ok, here is the post where I show you all the geeky stuff that adorns my desk at home:

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Thursday, June 10, 2010


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Friday, June 4, 2010


As someone who has a fierce passion for comics and hopes to one day break into the business it's extremely frustrating to see seasoned veterans pull shit like this.  Below are pages from Invincible Iron Man #27 with art by Salvador Larocca.  Take a look.

Images From NewsArama.com

Now take a look at some pictures I Googled of Sawyer from LOST.

Notice anything familiar? Using picture references is one thing, but I would be willing to bet that the images from Invincible Iron Man are traced. Its not as if Salvador Larocca can't draw, X-men fans from the late 90's-early 2000's can attest to that.

Salvador Larocca isn't the only person Guilty of this.

Greg Land is guilty of it too.  The image above is actually Greg Land's are preceded by a photoshopped image comprised of all the images Land traced.

Worse yet, Greg Land also traces other artists!

Above is Greg Land in color, and Travis Charest in black and white.

For someone who is trying to break in this is a slap in the face. 

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