Monday, June 21, 2010

Destitute Avengers

In recent years the Avengers have expanded from a singular team book to a multi-title brand in the comics industry.  The newest expansion of said brand being the Avengers Academy and Secret Avengers titles.  However, Given the state of the economy, I think Marvel is really missing out on marketing the books to an untapped market, the homeless. 

I humbly present my suggestion for the newest title in the brand:

The Destitute Avengers

Former allie of Captain America, Dennis now lives in the subterranean city Zero Town.  Because Dennis has  the most experience being Homeless, he is our team leader.

Combination Oceanographer and superhero, the recent events in the gulf have left Stingray homeless.  Thus he begrudgingly joins the team.

These Avengers alum are from an alternate Earth, so for all intents and purposes they are homeless.

The dirty, grungy, and scarred clone of Spider-man has lived on the streets ever since he escaped from the lab he was cloned in.

Patch (Wolverine):
He's on all the teams.

Teen Runaways that live(/d?) on the streets.

With a gimmick like this he deserves to have his home taken away if he even has one.

The Destitute Avengers! Its a million dollar idea!

-End Transmission

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