An ongoing joke in Gears of War and Gears of War 2, and the potential sequels, is the presence... and eventual death of a Private Carmine. Each game features a Private Carmine who, like Kenny from South Park or the many ancestors of Lt. Dan in Forest Gump, is doomed to die.
In the First Gears game Pvt. Anthony Carmine's gun jammed, as he was trying to fix it he was sniped.
In the sequel, his brother Pvt. Benjamin Carmine joins Alpha Squad. Ben lasted through most of the game... until he fell from a Helicopter, into a giant worm-monster, SURVIVED, only to be eaten by the creatures that resided in said worm-monster's stomach.
...Heavy stuff I know.
While the reoccurrence, and eventual death, of each game's Carmine is funny, my friends and I have come to embrace Carmine as our favorite character, and thus each death weighs heavy upon us all.
Despite his ill-fated role in the series, he has become Team Terror-Misu's mascot. Thus, he has been the topic numerous conversations (yes we are in fact that cool that we discuss a minor character with some frequency). During one such discussion we jointly decided it would be funny if the next Carmine was actually a forced to be reckoned with. Like Audey Murphy, he'd be an unstoppable beast on the battlefield, fueled only by grief and anger. NOTHING would stop Clay Carmine... Nothing.
Below is what i imagine "Clay" Carmine would look like... (Get out your notepad Blezinski)
Instead of Cog Tags, Clay Carmine wears the Skull of a Locust.
Clay Carmine doesn't use guns, he points his finger and says bang. Every shot is a head-shot.
Clay doesn't need a chainsaw-bayonet. When he is forced into close-quarters combat, he moves his hand up and down like a turkey cutter and chops the horde-member in half.
Clay Carmine is already my favorite character... I hope he becomes yours too.
I've just decided, as I am typing this, that this blog is the official petition to ensure Clay Carmine's Awesome-osity. If you think the Carmine family deserves better comment this blog!
Together we can make sure someone avenges the Carmine family name!
P.S. Clay Carmine is the thing of nightmares, but if you really want to have nightmare's watch this music video.
So here are some Random thoughts I have amassed over the past week...
Facebook seems to know more about me than I initially realized. This worries me on various levels...
Concern #1: If Facebook knows about my love of The Notebook, then clearly this website is a lot smarter than any of us realized. How far are we from SkyNet? From Judgment Day? Mark Zuckerberg you've damned us all!
Concern #2: If this is what Facebook knows, what does the NSA know about me? All my vices? All my flaws? All tongue-in-cheek conversations? I'll never be able to run for public office!
Concern #3: I looked at this ad and saw Rachel McAdams and was moderately interested in it. Then I saw the very same ad with Ryan Gosling... SO MUCH MORE INTERESTED...
After Geppetto's on Friday, Mike, George, Daniel and I went to the Mark Twain Diner. Now, I usually don't look at the menu, let alone the specials, because once I sit in a Diner booth I go into auto pilot.
This photo has not been doctored in anyway. I SWEAR this is how the menu read. WHAT COULD STUFFED BABY POSSIBLE BE?I literally have thought about it non-stop since then. I have no idea what mistake could have resulted in "Stuffed Baby."
I wish I had ordered it... but then again, maybe I don't...
In other news...
Best Seller?
I was at CVS with Susie, waiting for prescriptions, when I glanced at this book. Now I have come to realize that this is a book about breasts by Dr. Susan Love, however initially I read this title as Dr. Susan Loves Breasts and I immediately thought, "apparently enough to write a book about them."
For a split second, I thought that Dr. Susan wrote an entire book detailing the many ways that she loves for breasts. To me, this was a very interesting topic. I can completely identify with Dr. Susan. I would have definitely read Dr. Susan Loves Breasts, I however have no interest in Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book
.I don't really watch Smallville. I have heard from Kyle and Manny that it is good. But I have yet to really devote any time to it. I really don't have much to say about this topic. She just looked hot.
-End Transmission (Stolen from a Facebook comment by Laura but she don't read this so it's mine now! EPIC WIN!)
ShamWow pitchman Vince Shlomi was arrested on felony battery charges in Miami last month following a violent encounter with a hooker -According to the Huffington Post and TMZ
"Shlomi told cops he paid [Sasha] Harris about $1000 in cash after she "propositioned him for straight sex." Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly "bit his tongue and would not let go." Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue. The affidavit...notes that during the 4 AM fight Harris sustained facial fractures and lacerations all over her face.... After freeing his tongue, a bleeding Shlomi ran to the [hotel] lobby, where security summoned cops. Harris refused to cooperate with officers, who recovered $930 from her purse."
Well shit there goes my economic stimulus plan! Sure there's alotta sex on the down-low in D.C., but despite all their differences, beating hookers is probably an issue Democrats and Republicans can come together on.
Quickly, I'd like to address one detail in that story that puzzled me. He paid her $1000 dollars. police recovered $930 dollars from her. Is this excluding his money? If not, where did that other $70 go? Did she buy something before they banged? Was that missing $70 the hotel room fees? If so where the fuck are they staying? Does Vince go HoJo?
SO many questions. So few answers.
But really, the burning question on my mind is why? Why Vince? Why throw away everything you have accomplished for a hooker? Certainly a classy product like ShamWow won't want to be burdened by this kind of bad press. I'm sure they will issue statement soon.
Let me clarify, I woke up this morning, not thinking, KNOWING I could catch an arrow.Yes, like a bow-and-arrow, arrow.This revelation came to me thru a form of pseudo-omniscience that I cannot yet explain.All I can say is it is less clairvoyance, and more sudden awareness of knowledge (perhaps from a past life as a ninja?).
I know what you are thinking,“ Sure JimmyGlenn, I am sure you can catch an arrow, just like you could kill a lion.” ( I can).
If you aren’t familiar with that story, at some point I boldly, yet confidently, stated that I could kill a lion if it was in my own home.My reasoning is I would have home field advantage.I have lived in my house my whole life, and the lion would not know the ins and outs of my house like I would.Furthermore, I have MANY antique tools at my disposal.I don’t want to rehash old discussions but I still stand by that statement.
In any event, I admit I was as surprised as you are right now.Waking up to such a revelation is startling, but in all seriousness, LITERALLY when I opened my eyes this morning the first thought that ran through my mind was, “If an arrow was fired at me, I could catch it.”I don’t know how my brain works, or why it revealed this knowledge that, as far as I can tell, was already there now.But it did.
I have no Archery experience, nor did I have any dreams involving archery (that I can remember at least). This is VERY LITERALLY, what I woke up thinking about. There is NO other factor that affects my belief. I just HONESTLY, believe this fact to be true.
I have joked that I was a ninja, often quoting the line from Sifl and Olly, “YOU FORGOT I WAS A NINJA MOTHERFUCKER!”
But this is NO JOKE! I can catch an arrow that’s shot at me.I know it.There is not a doubt it my mind. Here is why:
I am nimble.
I have good reflexes.
I have good hand-eye coordination.
I can do upwards of 10 push-ups.
I have moderate concentration skills.
I am one part of the Tag-Team Champions of Everything.
P.S. If tomorrow an arrow is shot at me I may reassess the clairvoyance issue.
P.P.S. If anyone would like to test my inherrent nimble skills, comment a time and a place. I'd honestly like to try it (unless your name is Greg Jackson because you kill dear with your bow any those skills are way too severe).
I realized that I write this blog daily, I have aspirations to publish my own independent comics and to write mainstream comics, but I have never really talked comics here. So I think periodically I am going to discuss comics I really enjoy.
I won't talk Trades or Graphic Novels (at least not yet.), being that I am a big proponent of episodic story telling (though a $3.99 a pop I can tell why some people are moving towards only buying trades.) In any event, just to be clear, this is not a review, this is a recommendation.
I fancy comics of all types and read both Marvel and DC, but today will be...
X-Force is my favorite Marvel Comic at the moment. Gone are the days of Giant Gunsand pouches as far as the eye can see.
Chris Yost and Craig Kyle (New X-Men, Target X) put together an eclectic team that includes: Archangel, Domino, Elixir, Warpath , Wolfsbane, Wolverine (of course), X-23 and an updated and uncooperative Vanisher. And, unlikemost X-comics, and X-movies, and X-cartoons, this isn't Wolverine and X-force, it's surprisingly balanced. Each team member is neither over exposed, nor pushed to the background. Also, characters (that I considered stale and irrelevant) like Domino, Archangel, and Vanisher are revitalized and redesigned (Vanisher... yes VANISHER, has become one of my favorite characters in the series).
Furthermore X-Force is immersive, Kyle and Yostcreate a world where mutant prejudice is palpable. As you read this title, you truly feel that a proactive black-ops X-team is not just an acceptable measure, its a completely necessary one.
Another reason why I love this book is despite the teams black-ops license-to-kill MO, and the ever present guilt, pressure, and consequence associated with their work, X-Force still features a lot of humor. Vanisher and Elixir are hilarious, and even X-23 has her moments.
Also, whether it's Clayton Crain or Mike Choi, the art is literally breath taking. I am not usually one to geek out over art, but I am blown away by each issue.
Finally, Elixir is in X-Force. Elixir and X-23 are characters that Kyle and Yost wrote on New X-Men (do yourself a favor and pick up all five trades of Childhood's End), aside from Anole, Elixir was my FAVORITE character in New X-Men. He is a deeply complex character (who may warrant a blog post all to himself) who adds an innocence and a heart to an otherwise cold stolid team. Needless to say, he is figuratively and literally the teams golden-boy and he's THE SHIT!
X-Force is a comic I look forward to each month, and that's something I never thought I'd ever say. This new-aesthetic and tone associated with the team has made it one of the most interesting and exciting comics I read. The art is ALWAYS amazing, and Kyle and Yost's stories are as fun and profound as they are action-packed. I guarantee if you give it a shot you'll enjoy it.
Do you know that feeling when you find a twenty-dollar bill in your winter coat pocket? Better yet, can you imagine what it would be like to find a beautiful baby left on your door step, when you and your wife can't conceive your own?
Now imagine that twenty-dollar bill isn't yours.
That baby's parents come back to claim the child they left behind. Imagine getting everything you've ever wanted, only to have it ripped away?
That is what I experienced that last night.
approximately three days ago I discovered a shirt in my dresser drawer that was not mine. It was a nice shirt. It certainly seemed like something I'd wear. It fit perfectly. But it was not mine. I knew this from the moment I saw it. This shirt was not mine, no, but it was the perfect shirt for me.
I called my mother. Then Susie. I told Laura about the immaculate plaid shirt. I even asked my sister. I needed to know where it came from. Whose it was. Surely I couldn't keep this shirt. I couldn't deny the rightful owner this beautiful work of art.
But no one knew anything about it.
There was no owner.
This shirt was a gift from God.
It was a miracle!
So I wore this shirt. I wore it to work. I washed it. I became accustomed to it's touch. This shirt, the perfect shirt, was mine now.
Before I continue, I think its important to explain something. Since I have known her, Diana has had a brother. She has told me on more than one occasion that her brother and I are very similar. Similar tastes, style, and mannerisms. Friend of his also have mentioned it to me. Apparently the similarities are uncanny.
A few months back, my "friends" Rich and Brian Monoghan were trying to tease of Ryan via Facebook. I am vehemently against cyber-bullying, so I stepped in. Cool guys like me and Ryan need to stick together. Now I don't know who actually used the term "war." But apparently... Rich and Brian took that shit to heart.
That simple joke set into motion a conspiracy that involved close friends, complete strangers, and even my very own girl-friend. I don't know all the details, but as far as I can tell the shirt, that I came to love, was planted in my room so I would find it. Furthermore, it was stolen from RyFi. These ANIMALS, not only took something from young, nubile, innocent Ryan. But they gave me a gift I could never keep. This act cut me deeper than any knife ever could....
Last night I was informed of the "joke" and my moral obligation to the shirt's beauty forced me to relinquish ownership. It hurt to give it back. I had come to love that shirt. Let me say plainly, this "joke" was not funny, it was cruel, and there will be a reckoning.
I don't know that I have a plan yet. Nor do I know who I can trust to carry out such a deed. But there will be a reckoning.
Now I may or may not have threatened to 'shit in Rich's gas tank.' To me, that seems perfectly reasonable, but I know it's not widely accepted as the proportionate response to this "joke." But Rich, if you are reading this... I am not a reasonable man. I am a maniac stricken by guilt and betrayal. You should fear me. Fear what I consider a "practicale joke."
ha ha... GOTCHA!
'I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my shirt.'
It's been a week since I gave my Aquaman drawing to Elias. In mycontract I was explicitly promised a Dino picture. I have received no picture, nor have I received word regarding the matter. I am considering taking legal action, however I am concerned that, as the father of Elias, my boss may retaliate and terminate me.
Words cannot begin to express the outrage and the embarrassment I feel. This figurative rape has taught me a valuable lesson, I can and will never draw for another person again. I feel that I must take a Gattaca shower(around 5:43 on the clip you'll see what I am referring to) to wash the filth and shame from my soul. I am hanging up my pencil and eraser and shredding my sketch book. Good bye art world, and to think we just got reacquainted.
The plot for the next great Beat 'em Up Game: T.J. Viceroy, Mack McHoneycutt and Duke McDadass took an oath to protect their city from the scum that plagued it. These three detectives were the best cops Broodul City had ever seen, UNTIL a time-traveling despot set them up, and sullied their good names. NOW, T.J., Mack and Duke must chase the evil Villain throughout time to capture him. From the present, to the wastelands of a post apocalyptic future, back to Victorian England, NOTHING will stop these cops from getting their man.
I recently Downloaded Streets of Rage 2 on Xbox Live. What a great game! I really forgot how much I loved old beat 'em up style games. I've already beaten it 2wice since downloading it, and now I find I want to play through it (or another game of its type) again with friends.
While thinking about my love for old side scrolling beat 'em up's, I realized that these days ninety percent of the games released for consoles are shooters. I honestly can't think of one game that I am playing/looking forward to playing that doesn't in some was fall into the shooter genre. While I love gears, Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty, it's unfortunate that no developer (that I can think of) has developed anything resembling a beat 'em up.
Think about the all the games we played as kids that fall into this genre, Turtles in Time, Streets of Rage, Altered Beast, Golden Axe, the Simpson's arcade game, the X-Men game! Nothing was more fun, to me at least, than hunkering down with your best-friend and beating one of those games, spending the whole day and all your continues. I guess that's why a game mode like horde has gotten so popular.
It's probably evolution in a sense, but I still would love to see a game that utilized street fighter 4's aesthetic, character models, and control, with maybe a smattering of Left 4 Dead for the villain generation and the level design.
I'd play that game.
Anyway, I was looking up Streets of Rage on Wikipedia and I thought it's back story was humorous. Here's an excerpt.
"Adam Hunter, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding decided to forgo their careers in legal law enforcement and put their lives on the line. They are without weapons, but each possesses great hand-to-hand combat abilities. Take them into the heart of the city and battle the most dangerous wave of bad dudes and chicks ever assembled. Make the city a place where people no longer have to walk the Streets of Rage!"
I think I may invest more time in old games... After seeing what I have seen in horde, I don't know that I could ever look down the barrel of a gun ever again...
-Awahh Shell-Shocked!!!
P.S. The plot for the next big Beat 'em Up Video-Game: T.J. Viceroy, Mack McHoneycutt and Duke McDadass took an oath to protect their city from the scum that plagued it. These three detectives were the best cops Broodul City had ever seen, UNTIL a time-traveling despot set them up, and sullied their good names. NOW, T.J., Mack and Duke must chase the evil Villain throughout time to capture him. From the present, to the wastelands of a post apocalyptic future, back to Victorian England, NOTHING will stop these cops from getting their man.
Ok video game developers call me up, that's your story for the next great Beat 'Em Up game!
For an extended period of time I really was under the impression that the abbreviation F.M.L.(Fuck My Life) belonged solely to my friends and I. Sure, we had go it from one of the biggest movies of 2008, but who could have noticed such a quick throw away line from such a insignificant character? Surely only my friends were observant enough to pick up on such a nuanced line?
Cause we're awesome...?
Wrong! Everyone knows about this line. It's one of the most memorable lines from the movie I suppose, or perhaps just a few key people recognized it's inherent Awesome-osity (it's gonna stick) and these pioneers of humorous thought brought it to the masses. In any event now there are: Facebook groups, and T-shirts, and FML is on MTV...
It's bullshit man. I used FML back before it was cool! SERIOUSLY! I knew about it before everyone man, back when it was only being used in VFW halls and shit. Those were the good days man...
In any event, I have moved on to bigger and better acronyms like:
J.L.B. (Just Like Batman)
T.B. (Thats Balls)
Y.S.D. (Yous Suck Dick)
F.M.L. (Follow My Lead)
A.A.S.L.I.K.A.T.B.E. (Acronyms Are So Lame I Knew About Them Before Everyone)
T.S.I.W.W.W (That Shit is Wiggity Wiggity Whack)
J.G.I.S.A. (Jimmy Glenn is so Awesome)
J.I.M.H. (Jesus Is My Homeboy)
I.R. (I Rule)
J. (JImmyGlenn)
Anyway, F.M.L. sold out and T.B. Peace out homies... J.L.B.
My mother has always told me, as mother's often do, that I cando anything I want to do, be anything I want to be, attain any goal I set my sights on.
"Jimmy," She would often say, "you are bound by nothing. You are smart, devilishly handsome, and talented. You could be the President of the United States if you like.You can do anything."
Last night, as I valiantly fought side by side with my brothers in arms, Team Terror-Misu, I couldn't help but think of my mother's words and smile...
Indeed I can mother. Indeed I can.
The odds were against us from the start, there were 50 waves of the Horde and only five of us. A heavy lag settled in on our server, and it stifled our crew, threatening more than just our game's integrity. Now I can't say for certain, but I believe it was a plot on the game's part, a vicious psychological attack meant to keep us off kilter and uncertain. I'll never know the game's true intention, but I do know this, the very thing that threatened our cause, also served to galvanize us in heart and mind .
We were going to beat this fucking game, whether it liked it or not.
I must begin by saying, this round of Horde was the imbodiment of beauty, nay, the essence. Words can't sufficently express just how amazingly we played.
To wax poetically about it's beauty would be a fools errand....
It was a death symphony that will linger in the ears of video game lore for all eternity.
I can't remember the details, as many soldiers can tell you, in the heat of battle you become little more than a creature of instinct and reflex. The active re-load on my sniper-rifle was not a bonus to enhance my game, it was a reflex, that was suddenly as common to me as breathing. When the shit hits the fan, your mind has little time to ponder its plight, so the body responds quickly an efficiently. Lucky for Terror-Misu, Gabe and I are used to leaping before we look. This inherent aversion to thought, served us well as the Locust's Horde lived up to their name-sake.
The anticipation, and excitement was palpable, and each of us fought at the top of our game. I can't think of an instance that exemplified each team members worth to our cause, but I do know there were numerous instances where I paused to admire the beauty and grace with which my compatriots and I rained down unholy terror and death upon the mindless monster's we called the horde.
Ever the narcissist, I personally couldn't helpd but stare down my rifle's scope and admire each and every Pollock-esque spray left in its wake.
I won't mince words, in short Team Terror-Misu preformed like Hugh Jackman at the Academy Awards, without flaw, without hesitation, and without remorse for those who have come before; we fought valiantly and bravely; giving no ground nor quarter to our enemy; we are and forever will be titans burdened only by the weight of our own acheivements.
Below is the beginning of a script Rich and I came up with when I first found out I was interning at Marvel. We were excited so we decided to write an X-Men script to give to someone. I think I got nervous about handing it to someone, and so nothing ever came of it. We had, what I think was, an awesome idea for what would be in store for the X-Men after House of M(thats how long ago we wrote this).Being that we never did anything with it, except talk about how much we liked it, I figured I would post it here. Check it out, let me know what you think.
Ok quick set-up. After House of M, the mutant population was devastated, a refugee camp of the remaining hundred or so is established on the front lawn of the X-Mansion, and Magneto is believed to be dead.
The panel is half of the page.Newscaster in the foreground.In the background we see a mob of mutants rallying behind her.Panel implies that we are looking at a television screen. (Maybe the panel has rounded corners, perhaps?)CNN style banner at the bottom of the panel, with news logo in bottom left corner.Banner states "Mutants rally outside Roxxon scientist’s hotel."
The situation is tense here.Hundreds of mutants have gathered, to oppose the press conference broadcast just hours ago.The police have set up barricades and it seems the O.N.E. Sentinel Squad has been sent to provide increased security.
Panned out from the screen, you can see the whole TV against a black background.On screen, in silhouette, we see the back of the crowds leader draped in a purple cape.(Think Rocky draped in the American Flag.)
There is still no new information regarding the identity of the crowd’s enigmatic leader.
We see Hank McCoy awkwardly hunched over a desk.Clearly the chair he’s sitting in is not made for him.The scene is lit only by his desk lamp and the glow of the TV behind him.
CAPTION: Dear Robert,
1.I regret having to send you a letter.
2.I realize that even checking your e-mail daily is an arduous task that is at best a minor inconvenience in your eyes.
3.To have to physically open the letter yourself…
4. Robert, I shutter at the hardships I’ve incurred you.
5.I’m comforted by the thought that had this letter come from Scott, or any of our other peers, it would be sitting unopened on your dresser.
At this time representatives from Xavier’s institute have refused to comment.
At his desk we see a number of scattered photos of various incarnations of the X-Men.An unfinished letter sits among the photos and with only one line: “Dear Robert,”.
1.And yet here we are.
2.If you’ve ever wondered what life would be like without the X-Men, I can tell you in short that it is cruel existence.
From the same angle in a furry blue hand we see a photo of the original X-Men.Below the foreground photo we see a photo lying on the desk of a chubby ape-ish boy standing next to two mortified parents.
1.You know my home life was far from model.It was in the X-Men that I found friends, and a family.
2.To give that up…
Page 3 & 4
I had to cut this out it was really text heavy. This was to be a big 2-page splash page of a Hotel with Police barricades, and O.N.E. Sentinels outside. Fabian Cortez and his mutant mob would be outside protesting. There was a newscaster, and an inset panel of Beast looking out the window of his Hotel room. Clearly Beast is no longer living in the X-Mansion.
A shot of the X-Mansion with the 198 camps in the foreground, and the O.N.E sentinels surrounding the campus. In the top left-hand corner of the panel, inset is a panel where we see Hank standing looking out the window, (Beast should look just as he did on the previous page.).
CAPTION: Days Earlier
I already miss the familiar buzz of the school.
Its funny, I always felt that my place was with the X-Men first and as a mentor and teacher to our “New Mutants” second.
Interior of the previous shot of Hank.Hank is standing at the black board looking vacantly out the window at the camp. We also see the kids from New X-Men,(specifically Santo, Cessily, Noriko, Julian, David, and Anole)
However since leaving, I have found the absence of our young charges to be most discomforting.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, then you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
CESSILY: Professor?
2: Professor what are you...?
Hanks stands at the black board, glasses in hand, rubbing his eyes. The students sit looking perplexed.
1. That quote is from Desmond Tutu
2. ...and it's about apathy, Cessily. I am talking about apathy.
3.You see…
Panel 5
Similar to panel 3, but Hanks eyes are open. He looks emotionally and physically drained. Behind Hank we see what is clearly a simple algebra problem on the chalkboard. The problem has a y and an equals sign with no answer next to it.
Panel 6
The class stares blankly at him. Rockslide has
his hand raised.
2.y equals two-two? Or no wait I meant twenty-two?
Panel 7
(inset of panel 6 same as 3)
1.That’s enough algebra for today. Class dismissed.
So that't it. Following this, former Acolyte Fabian Cortez enters the 198 camp and discusses the state of the Mutant Population with Toad. We were going to have Fabian fill the void left by Magneto and establish the Purple Guard (See Communist China's Red Guard). He would wear a black Gestapo-esque costume with a purple arm band and a tattered piece of Magneto's cape draped over his shoulders.
Beast confronts Scott about his inadequacies in leading the remaining mutant population in the absence of Xavier, and goes on to decide that in such a broken state, the mutant population needed something or someone to rally against. Beast then appears on Television encouraging the government and the private sector to fund his research to develop a cure to the mutant gene. This statement galvanizes the 198 camp, and gives them a cause to fight against, however, Fabian Cortez emerges as their leader and guides them down an increasingly violent path. Beast is forced to leave the X-Men, however not before Iceman protects him from an angry mob, and Emma Frost reads his mind, realizing his true intentions.
Eventually this would all lead to a massive struggle between the O.N.E. Sentinels, the X-Men and the Purple Guard.
There was a lot more in the way of sub plots and details, but that's pretty much a general overview of our idea. It's a shame we never showed anyone this. I know it was a lot to read if you got this far, thank you.