Tuesday, June 30, 2009

...For Peace

For reasons beyond comprehension, Joe Jackson and his wife have gained temporary custody of Michael Jackson's children. Now to say nothing of the fact that I wouldn't trust Joe Jackson with a Tamagotchi or a Furby, I have to protest this custody decision because it will destroy any chances of fostering peace between us and: Iran, North Korea, and the Middle East.

How do you ask? I'll direct your attention to DC comics' Fourth World, where enemies, Darkseid of Apokalips and Highfather of New Genesis, traded their sons in an attempt to foster peace between their warring worlds. Up until the custody decision, I was preparing to humbly propose that we trade: Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket to Kim Jong Il, Osama Bin Laden, and that guy from Iran whose name I will definitely spell wrong, for three kids of theirs.

Now I know what you are thinking, "But Jimmy, the Princes and Princess of Pop are destined to become musical gods that our enemies will surely exploit and use against us."

Yes. Yes they will. These children are destined to become the musical messiah, or harmonic hellions depending on their upbringing. But this is only step one of my plan....

Peace was never our real goal, it is annihilation. Now as the children are paraded around, and groomed to be the leaders of our enemy nations. We will train a covert team of assassins that I like to call, The Axis of Vengeance. Taking the three children we traded for, we will slowly brainwash and program them from the moment they are given to us, molding them into the most dangerous and deadly assassins this world has ever seen.

They will have to be deaf. This is a precaution, to protect them from the music that the Jackson 3 can and will create. If they hear the insidious and inspired melodies that these Pop Pariahs produce, we are all finished. These silent killers can only know the sound of justice as the blades of their laser swords sear through the flesh of our enemies. They will be silent shadows who kill as god does, swiftly and without bias.... only with bias because they work for us, and not so swiftly always because sometimes dudes need to be tortured.

I know what you are thinking, why not just give Joe Jackson the kids? Why not, NOT trade these kids, and prevent ever having to train such deadly-deaf-death-dealers. Won't we save more people that way.

The answer is: No. The best way to crush someone, is by giving them their hearts desires, and then taking them away. They don't want nuclear armaments, or the destruction of Israel, they want the next King of Pop! These nations starve for pop royalty!

If we give this to them, then crush them with their own hubris, I guarantee that no one will ever dare fuck with the U.S. of A. EVER AGAIN!

-It Doesn't Matter If You're Wrong Or Right....

This will be the blog that get me on the NSA watch list...I promise this is all a joke.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Nightwing Sketch

Just a (very) quick sketch of the greatest hero the world has ever known:

-"So far I'm letting them all down..."

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Million Dollar Man!

So Kotaku is reporting that THQ wants to make a wrestling game with a game-specific controller (i.e. Rockband and Donkey Kong Jungle whatever...)

Clearly they best option is to make these into controllers...

I KNOW RIGHT? How sick would that be? This is a million dollar idea THQ I think you should strike while the iron is hot...

Also, I think this specific blog is proof of my unique vision. Any and all who read this should tell their friends!

Maybe I can get a job as the idea guy at a toy company like Tom hanks in Big

-For years whenever people would quote Voltaire, I would think they were talking about Zoltar from Big...

I'll Poke' Your Mon!

I had a random thought today about the conditions inside a poke' ball, I tweeted it and shared it with Susie... but there was some... *ahem* ...communication break-down.

Iceman: I have to imagine life inside a poke ball is awful
LaOreja: a poke ball?
LaOreja: what brought that on? lol
Icemanx: from poke mon
LaOreja: like with picachu?
LaOreja: lol
Icemanx711: yeah
LaOreja: yeah then i would have to agree lol
Icemanx: I Imagine life inside a Poke Ball is awful, unless it is some kind of stasis, or its like a genie bottle. Its kinda horrific otherwise...
Icemanx: that was my tweet..
LaOreja: especially if its a light color...cause then you can see everything your missing out on while people are poking you
LaOreja: and you can do NOTHING
Icemanx: what?
Icemanx: they dont poke them
Icemanx: do you know anything about poke mon
Icemanx: cause im getting the feeling that you dont
LaOreja: maybe i didnt understand what a poke ball is huh
Icemanx: yeah its like their cage
LaOreja: i know picachu
Icemanx: the white and red ball
LaOreja: oh....lol
Icemanx711: they dont poke them
LaOreja: i know what ball u mean now
LaOreja: they open them
LaOreja: when they want to use that character right?
Icemanx: yeah
Icemanx: there is no poking involved....
Icemanx: im fairly certain they cant see out
LaOreja: i thought you meant like a character that has a poke ball as part of itself
Icemanx: ....
LaOreja: rofl
LaOreja: i cant handle this right now


Poké Ball

The Poké Ball is a spherical device used by Pokémon Trainers to capture wild Pokémon and store them when not active. The balls convert a Pokémon into energy upon contact, suck it inside, and close automatically. Stronger Pokémon are able to struggle and possibly break free, while those that have been weakened are easily captured. The Poké Ball, not in use, is the size of a golf ball and with the press of the central button, enlarges to the size of an orange. The Pokémon is released for battle by throwing the ball, and when retrieving a Pokémon, a beam of red colored light will convert the Pokémon into energy and retrieve it. The Pokémon Voltorb and Electrode are often mistaken for Poké Balls.

Various Poké Balls exist, including the Great Ball and Ultra Ball, which are progressively stronger, and the Master Ball, which has a 100% success rate against any Pokémon that can be captured. Other specialized balls include the Timer Ball, which becomes more effective the longer the battle goes on, the Net Ball, which has a better chance of catching Water and Bug-type Pokémon, and the Dusk Ball, which is most effective at night or inside dark areas.

-Gotta Catch'Em All!

Icemanx: Im blogging that convo
LaOreja: ours?
LaOreja: lol
LaOreja: oh god
Icemanx: yes
LaOreja: that's what i get for being a foool
LaOreja: lol
Icemanx: yes because every girl should know the intricacies of Poke'Mon

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Growing up I was never really into reading comics(or books). I knew all the heroes cause my best friend Pete read comics religiously, but I tended to just let him tell me what happened. Then in middle school, I picked up Heroes Return: Avengers by Kurt Busiek and George Perez. After that I was hooked and I collected Avengers for a long time. Being a fan of the Avengers, a team comprised of A-list and D-list heroes, I have always loved some of the more obscure heroes.

One such hero is... (well, more appropriately was) Scott Lang.You can click the link to read more about him. All I will say is when he died, I was heartbroken.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tales of My Epic Fails: HOME EDITION!

My parents informed me Sunday, and probably before that, that they would be away Monday-Wednesday of this week, meaning I left with the burden of keeping the affairs of the House of Glenn's in order.

So last night was my first night alone, here's a few of the things I fucked up:
  • I tried to turn off the air conditioning downstairs when I was going to bed and ended up turning on the heat by accident.
  • I left my keys in the front door for a good 2-3 hours.
  • This morning I woke up and found a little puddle in the kitchen

I'd like to elaborate on the subject of this puddle. I woke up, got all dress, and walked down into my kitchen to let the dog out and make coffee. As I stepped into the kitchen (with the lights off) I stepped into a puddle liquid that could only be dog pee or splashed water from the dog/cat bowl (The cat attacks the water bowl and spills it EVERYWHERE. Idk why he does, he just does!)

I initially assumed the dog peed, and proceeded to vilify him as I removed what I thought was a pee soaked sock (WET SOCKS SUCK!). I then grabbed some paper towels, got down on my hands and knees, and began cleaning up. It was not until I was closer to the puddle that I realized it was only water. I was still pissed off about my sock, but at least my foot wasn't covered in pee. At this very moment, I kid you not, the cat saunters into the kitchen. He, being the only other suspect, was next to feel the full force of my rage. I called him: "stupid", "no good", and "lazy."

Once I was over my rage and the liquid was cleaned up, I went to the refrigerator to grab milk for my coffee. It was then that I realized that the freezer door was left slightly ajar the night before by the only person in the house with opposable thumbs. I inspected the frozen food and found that nothing had really thawed aside from some of the permafrost around the perimeter of the door. I cleaned the remaining water that had dripped down the door and I closed the freezer firmly.Now came the big decision, do I tell Cat and Jackie that I am sorry, or do I let them wallow in the shame of a crime neither committed. I first decided to go with the latter, and I went about the rest of my morning routine without uttering another word. Then right before I stepped out the door, Jackie walked up to me visibly upset about the entire situation.

"Jackie. Cat (who was lazily lounging on a chair). I am sorry, the puddle was my fault. I hope you can forgive me." I pet Jackie for a few moments, gave the Cat an air-high-5, then walked out the door.

I think the moral here is to close the freezer door firmly, and to remember that here in America, a suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

-Motherfucking Aesop and shit yo!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Do You Feel Fine?

We all know that our ultimate annihilation is inevitable. But the burning question on my mind is how would YOU like to die?

Zombie Apocalypse or Machine Revolution

I'll give you a minute to consider that, and some visuals:

It this the last thing you'd like to see before you die?
Or do you prefer this...

Here are my personal thoughts on the matter:

Machine Revolution:
  • The inevitable creation of the Matrix. It doesn't seem so bad to me Keanu was a whiner.
  • Quick and Efficient, this won't be an Apocalypse that drags on.
  • Destruction by an enemy that I have no emotional attachment to, i.e. If I do decide to resist, I could put a bullet in my Xbox a lot easier than I could my undead Grandma.
  • I can't stress this one enough PERMANENT DEATH! None of this mindlessly wandering whilst being a liability to others.
  • I don't like the idea of a toaster toasting me.
  • No fighting chance.
  • The inevitable creation of the Matrix. I personally would be ok with it, but fundamentally as a human being it offends me .
  • No getting past this, a Terminator WILL step on your bleached fleshless skull at some point... I'm not cool with that

Zombie Apocalypse:
  • It would be the most fun Apocalypse to try to survive in.
  • Video Games have been preparing me for this moment for most of my life.
  • I have a Lion contingency plan that could be easily adapted.
  • I know Gabe Grisalez. Gabe is to the Zombie Apocalypse: Neo is to The Matrix
  • Losing loved ones.
  • Having to kill said loved ones.
  • No cheeseburgers Well no appetite for them I would assume.
  • I don't live in the south, so I have less access to guns They sell them at WalMart and the Winn Dixie down there!
  • Being a zombie.
That's the only insight I can give to you my friends...

As always, the choices are yours, and yours alone. Good luck!

-Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Z.O.I.N.K.S. vs. C.A.U.Z.E.

I didn't want to lose, or forget these comments from this Blog (I originally posted it on Facebook then moved it here)
The real tragedy here is the number of zombies ILLEGALLY living and working in our country. These zombies come into our country without going though the appropriate legal channels and without documentation, and steal jobs from hard working American zombie citizens. They... Read More’ll eat brains for pennies on the dollar and don’t even pay taxes. Why should they enjoy the same liberties as American zombies? They caused the zombie recession. I don’t care if their illegal zombie ancestors have been terrorizing our Americans for generations. We can’t offer these zombies amnesty, we have to get them out of our country now.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
Honestly, they are taking jobs that American Zombies would never take. Eating the brains that no American Zombie would ever eat.

That reminds me, I read a really disturbing article the other day. Did you know that in some towns down south they still lynch zombies? It's true.

Can you believe that in 2009, after Zombie Martin Luther King Jr., after the Zombie Rights rallies of the 60's, and after the Million Zombie Shuffle; that there could still be such barbaric unbridled hate in America?... Read More

"Though it seems heaven sent, we ain't yet to see a zombie president" -Zombie Tupac

I thought that quote had some relevance. It really makes you think.

Michael Watkins
It really makes me sick. It’s frustrating because this is such a huge problem and I don’t know what I can do, you know?
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
For pennies a day the Jeffery Dahmer Zombie Fund will provide zombies with warm brains, newly tattered clothes and a warm place to shuffle.

As a thanks for your donation, the Jeffer Dahmer Zombie Fund will send you a picture of the zombie you saved, a long with a note written by his very own gnarled mortified hand.

These zombies need you... call today.... Read More

555-123-ZOMB (555-123-9662)
Christian Lapa
Christian Lapa
Two days ago I walked into a convenience store to buy some milk and when I walked in I was immediately asked if I needed help and was taken care of as a customer should. 5 hours later I tore my clothes a little and put make-up on my face and walked into the same store but this time as a Zombie. Now, let me tell you this was the most horrific experience of my life. As soon as I shuffled in the owner put his hands under his counter (probably reaching for a gun) and told his son in a foreign language something which I assume was to follow me around because right after he did the son pretend to sweep near me.

It really amazed me the treatment I received that day with just a change of clothes and a little make-up.

Don't be fooled people. Racism against Zombo-Americans is out there and it is people like George Romero and Robert Kirkman that exploit Zombies and make them appear to be just mindless flesh eating corpses.... Read More

Living or dead...we're all brothers on the same planet.
Gabe Grisalez
Gabe Grisalez
This article is wrong in every sense of the word. It's easy to be "for" zombie rights, up until your teenage daughter comes home with her new zombie boyfriend, Then you'll be singing a tune of a different color. All these zombies do is take up space, they lazy about the streets, they aint got no jobs and they bring down property values (reference the documentary Zombie Ate my Neighbors), of up standing living people. Kill Dem Filthy Zombies! LIVING POWER! LIVING POWER! LIVING POWER!
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
As terrible as that sounds, I'm really not surprised. In my line of work, I'm an undead social worker, I have heard literally dozens of stories just like that. It's really pretty horrible.
George Roselle
George Roselle
What I want to know is what African zombies were doing while their American brothers and sisters were being viciously killed? They stood back and did nothing. They thought it would not happen to them, but now its their turn, and they dont like it.
Christian Lapa
Christian Lapa
Gabe I am really surprised at you. I never thought one of my best friends would be a racist. YOU need to get out of the rock you're living under and show more compassion to those whom are different! One day you will take over your family business and have to hire people to work under you when you expand. Who do you think will work for you Gabe? ... Read MoreZombies are a hardworking people. They don't take breaks. They don't sleep. All the CAN do is work hard to provide for themselves...which is more than I can say for MOST people in this world.

Jimmy Glenn
Listen Gabe, I don't know how you found this post, but this is a place for Zombie Rights Awareness. I don't need that kind of ignorant, pro-life rhetoric around here.

Zombie's were people too, and they deserve rights. Zombies are here and they aren't going anywhere. The sooner you get used to that, the better.

I hear about how you and your "friends" treat zombies. Regaling at tales of head-shots.
Allison Ernst
Allison Ernst

I am thoroughly fucking amused. I love you guys.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
This isn't a laughing matter Allison. In the moment you just took to laugh instead of act, a trillion zombies died.
Gabe Grisalez
Gabe Grisalez
That's the point jimmy they WERE people they aint been no none people for years maybe even days. As far as your comment about them being here and not going any where. We'll not if Z.O.I.N.K.S has anything to say about it

Gabe Grisalez
President and Senior Chairman of
Zombie Obliteration Incarceration N Killin' Squad
Christian Lapa
Christian Lapa
Hey, Gabe. What does it matter if Zombies eat brains? Not like people like you use yours anyway....
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Remember gentlemen, Protest is Patriotism! I think we should coordinate a march and or rally to raise awareness and spread our the truth about our zombie brothers and sisters. This discrimination must end!

I am willing to take responsibility of designing all plackards.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
Z.O.I.N.K.S. is a sick ignorant group. I have consistently been an outspoken critic against Z.O.I.N.K.S. and their barbarism.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
Please join C.A.U.Z.E. , the Coalition Advocating Undead and Zombie Equality.

Remember zombie rights should be everyone's C.A.U.Z.E.!!!
Christian Lapa
Christian Lapa
I joined N.A.M.Z.L.A.......
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
I have a few Z.O.I.N.K.S members living around the block from me. Cowards. These useless bastards all walk around wearing bandanas around their knees. They assault innocent zombies that shuffle down the street. I caught a few of these assholes creeping around my back yard. I left them in a bloody pool of their own feces.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
They are more of a gang than anything else. The bandana thing is a dead give away.
Gabe Grisalez
Gabe Grisalez
I'am lookin forward to your march. Git all dem sons a bitches in one place, make my job a little easier. I'll be there with bells on... and a shot gun bandoleer.

Don't you see, think about all the murders that have taken place in the last century, almost 90% of them have been by zombies. Dont you see what they have done? They have taken away our ... Read Moregod given right to kill our fellow man, they have taken away our equality. I have to wander the streets at night and hope that when the good lord jesus decides to take me away. it will be at the hands of one of my fellow men and not one of these Ziggys.
Gabe Grisalez
Gabe Grisalez
Gabe Grisalez
President and Senior Chairman of
Zombie Obliteration Incarceration N Killin' Squad
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
Is that a terroristic threat sir?
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Ziggys??? You had to go there???? RACIST!!! How dare you use such slang?? You disgust me gabe.
Rich Galante
Rich Galante
Right on brotha:

Who are the real patriots
Who are the real traitors
Who will stand up... Read More
Who will be the new leaders
If you love this country, take it back, from those who will destroy it
Protest is patriotism
Protest is patriotism
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Brains for dinner
Brains for lunch
Brains for breakfast
Brains for brunch
Brains at every single meal... Read More
Why can't we have some guts
Hey hey hey

Brains are all we ever get
In this rotten fuckin' place, hey hey
Brains are all we ever get
Why can't we have a change of pace
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
Can we all agree to not use the zed word? This is a place for intelligent discourse. You don't have to agreed with C.A.U.Z.E. but you also certainly don't have to use such a despicable term.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. -- Zombie Charles Darwin
rich arnold
rich arnold
hahahaha ziggys...holy shit lol.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Please be respectful, Rich.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
We agreed we wouldn't use the Zed word
Diana Feigeles
Diana Feigeles
does this mean every time shaggy or scooby yelled out "zoinks" on the beloved children's cartoon "scooby doo" they were actually referencing (and with some frequency) a hateful antizombiest organization? i am viewing this show in a whole different light now...
Michael Watkins
Michael Watins
I always knew Casey Kasem was an antizombiest.. fucking ponderous.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
well Shaggy and Scooby are clearly fearful and distrusting of the undead.
George Roselle
George Roselle
Jimmy, I am tired of your political correctness. The 'Undead' are zombies. The zed word should be used, because a zombie is a zombie. Stop trying to sugarcoat it.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
George... the word Zombie is ok. The word "Z*ggy" on the other hand is not ok and will NOT be tolerated.
Diana Feigeles
Diana Feigeles
You know, I had always been raised to be accepting of everyone, dead or undead, but I am just beginning to see now the biases that exist in the media that may have influenced the way I see zombies... i've always had a token zombie friend or two, but i've never really understood or immersed myself in zombie culture. the time for change and understanding has come. i'm with you c.a.u.z.e. - i'm with you.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
you joined the right... C.A.U.S.E. Diana.
George Roselle
George Roselle
Oh, I am sorry. I take that back Jimmy. I retract my statement.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Welcome Diana!

Now is the time to strip yourselves of all the lies and propaganda that litter the minds of ALL children. Come join the fight for truth and unabashed FREEDOM! Come one, come all!!!
Michael Watkins
Michael Watkins
The zombies can never be helped unless they help themselves. What of undead class warfare? Zombies taking from more well off zombies that work hard and deserve the brains they eat and giving them to other less deserving zombies. “Spreading around the brains... Read More” sounds good in theory, but it was dreamed up by none other than Zombie Karl Marx. What they really need is more free-market brain eating and less zombie entitlement.

“Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free zombies. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.”
-Zombie Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
We must act now before this mindless genocide spirals out of control. This is the second genocide of the twenty-first century. If we work hard enough, it could also be the last.


"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." ... Read More

-Desmond Tutu,

an advocate for equality amongst, the living and dead no matter what their race, creed, and or ethnicity.

Tutu is also an outspoken critic of Z.O.I.N.K.S. Zombpartheid movement.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Mike... Lets try to get them some Equality before picking parties. They need to be freed from this discrimination before we can fix any other issues.
Michael Watkins
Michael Watkins
Sorry I needed something to get me through the rest of the day and wanted to see how quickly the dynamic would change.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
Other soldiers in the battle for equality:

Zombie Martin Luther King Jr.
Professor Charles Xavier
Zombie Harvey Milk... Read More
Stubbs the Zombie
The Spectre
Jesus of Nazareth (The First Zombie)
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Dont forget...

Gary Busey
Zombie Bill Hicks
Mickey Rourke... Read More
Zombie Lux Interior
Zombie Andy DeMize
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
Mickey Rourke sympathizes cause people mistake him for undead all the time
Ray Crego
Ray Crego
Gabe how can I join Z.O.I.N.K.S ? Zombies are a real issue, if you give them an inch they'll take your whole arm. The day we see a Zombie president is the day the US becomes a nation of savage S.T.A.R.S haters.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
How did i know Ray would team up with gabe???? Predictable, Ray, Predictable.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
I updated This Blog with some new images. Just to Give you an Idea How biased Z.O.I.N.K.S. is.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
Jimmy, I'd like to thank you for being a wealth of information and helping lead the way in a time of panic and disorder.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
p.s. Gabe, this was a blog so...

I guess you do care what people are blogging about.
Ray Crego
Ray Crego
Fact: A pro Zombie agenda is by nature an anti BRAIN agenda.

Anti Zombie is Pro Intelligence.
Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez
No sir... it is survival of the fittest. We are just weeding out the herd. Making this a better, stronger world.

Pro Zombie is the way to be.
Rachel Tomko
Rachel Tomko
I know i'm late, but it's never to late to join the right c.a.u.z.e... pro zombie is love.
Gabe Grisalez
Gabe Grisalez
These Pro Zombie lemmings are just following the latest trends and Zombie Loving Buzz words like join the CAUZE. But in reality, will you be behind a cause that unsegregates living and non living schools when your only daughter or son comes home all bitten up. No longer looking at you with love, but with hunger?

Now before I finish, let me just say
I did not come here to show out, I did not come here to impress you
Because to tell you the truth when I leave here I'm GONE!... Read More
And I don't care WHAT you think about me - but just remember,
when it hits the fan brother, whether it's next year, ten years,
twenty years from now, you're not gonna be able to say
that these brothers lied to you JACK!

Paid For by Jay-Z
and A Zombie Free America
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
UNION, NJ - Police have now confirmed that prominent undead equality activist James Glenn was apparently mauled by his own followers at a C.A.U.Z.E. rally over the weekend.

The mauling took place shortly after 9 PM, police said. According to C.A.U.Z.E.'s website, the rally was set to protest an upcoming video game that featured a living player killing undead zombies.

Witnesses tell the Union Leder that Glenn screamed, "Though I may die, the C.A.U.Z.E. will live on forever. Remember me for what I did, not for how I tasted. Never give up. Never surrender. Fight the power! Stay dead!... Read More

Glenn is survived by his undead wife Moana, his two cats Spartacus and Griswald, and a guinea pig named frank.
Daniel Lapa
Daniel Lapa
Lol. Vampires. I mean zombies.
Jimmy Glenn
Jimmy Glenn
All they found was a pair of bloody skinny jeans, a slightly gnawed femur and earrings.
Christina Nicole Moore
Christina Nicole Moore
i love you guys hahaha