Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am currently quarantined until my test results come back. The doctor told me to wear protective gear so I don't spread this foul demon-virus to my loved ones. He didn't provide me with any such equipment, so I was forced to put together my own using common house hold items...

I put together a pretty comprehensive system for protecting others from Pig-Plauge...I wear the face protector down when family, friends, or pets are in the room.

Also, as a precaution, I have taken to wearing 2 pairs of feet pajamas, and dish washing gloves, to simulate a Hazmat suit.

Despite the cumbersome attire (sleeping with a motorcycle helmet is particularly hard) I have still managed to get some work done. Below is a sketch for the webcomic Idle Minds that I am hoping to start posting soon:

In any event the doctor now tells me that it could take days to get my results, so despite the fact that I feel fine, I am not allowed to go to work....


-here am I floating in my tin can....

This song is dedicated to the Swine Flu Virus!

1 comment:

  1. lololol. swineflu, the best thing to happen to jimmy's blog since... well, those older entries about swineflu.
