Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen....

It's really no secret that I am in love with all things Muppet/puppet based. I love the video for the Saves The Day song Freakish, I love a Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet babies, and I wish the Dracula Musical in Forgetting Sarah Marshall was actually on Broadway. So I can't help but wonder/wish that the world actually had Muppet-like creatures in it, just like Muppet Christmas Carol or Sesame Street (except for the honkers. I'd single-handedly hunt them until extinction).

I'd have one of their heads mounted on my wall! I HATE THE HONKERS!!

Now I won't get into the obvious prejudices and racism that would be present if such a world existed (been there done that), except to say there definitely would be racism and speciesism within the puppet community (this type of infighting would get them nowhere), and of course there would be feltist's who believed that the Muppets should get separate but equal treatment, and perhaps even some extreme feltism....

But like I said, I am not here to imagine the inherent flaws in a Muppet/Human society. No, I like to discuss the potential Awesome-osity of such a world.


That is a indisputable fact. Therefore, Muppets added to any situation in our history would immediately make that moment awesome. Could you imagine:
  • An Awesome Veitnam War?
  • An Awesome Great Depression? (The Great Awesome?)
  • Awesome-ER Moon Landing?
  • Awesome Trench Warfare?
  • Awesome Witch Trials?
  • Awesome Evolution from Homo-erectus to Homo Sapien?
  • Awesome Cuban Missle Crisis?
  • Awesom Holo...
Okay, You know what? You get the point.

But seriously, I pray EVERYDAY for an alien invasion of fury, felt, friendly aliens with googley eyes, skinny little legs, and giant hearts. These would-be invaders would want nothing more than to: carve out a nice little community in Greenwich Village, dance by flailing their arms around, and put on a variety TV show. If they ever do arrive, I suggest we give them that chance.

But alas, the consensus amongst Scientist's states that our universe has been, and forever will be, constantly expanding. Moreover, who knows how far the Muppet Galaxy is from our own? It could be on the other side of our rapidly expanding universe. Even if it was the next galaxy over, it would still be hundred's of light-years away from our own. Humanity has yet to develop the technology to transverse this great distance, and our the otherworldly Muppet counterparts are surely too busy dancing like no one else is watching. I am completely certain that they have not yet developed warp drives, or discovered how to travel at a rate faster than the speed of light.

It seems we are like Tom Hanks and Wilson, forever floating apart.... and now I've made myself sad.

God I wish I had Muppet friends...

-It's time to get things started.


  1. ive got the muppet show seasons 1 and 2 on dvd, so damn right. waiting on season 3.

    you ever watch farscape?
