Friday, March 13, 2009

That Kid Who's Good At Drawing

So my boss asked me to draw a picture of Batman for his son. His son apparently loves drawing, but only draws dinosaurs. My boss was hoping a drawing of Batman might help expand his horizons, maybe open him up to drawing other characters or animals. In essence, my drawing was to be his muse.

It pains me to write this, almost as much as it did to realize, I really don't draw much anymore. I doodle a great deal, but I don't spend hours drawing like I did in high school or college. The tragedy of it is growing up that was my thing, I was this kid who was good at drawing. I identified alot of myself with drawing, and being artistic. My notebooks were covered in comic characters and random doodles, and now that's really not the case.

When my boss had initially asked me I accepted without even thinking, but when the pencil actually hit the paper I suddenly was overwhelmed with this strange feeling. I honestly had no idea where to start. Drawing, for me, has always been second nature. So those feelings quickly subsided and I began remembering why I loved drawing so much(wah wah write a song about it). This will be cheesy, so be warned: I felt like an old warrior picking up his sword. In some ways, it was just as I left it but also heavier than I remembered.

It's kind of depressing to realize that I don't draw a lot anymore. I could probably ramble on for pages about how much that troubles me, or how drawing was my biggest stress reliever, (what have I been doing since it's been gone?) Like I said this is something I may discuss further, or maybe I'll just decide that I need to make more time to draw again.

Whatever the case may be, I drew Batman, here he is:

So now that my case of the Wah Wah's has passed I promise the next post will be funny.

-Still working on a bad ass sign off...

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