Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brightest Day

So here is a quick blog about my cast for a potential Green Lantern Movie.

First, I would love to see a GL movie that incorporated all of Earth's GL's. Something modeled after an ensemble war movie i.e. Saving Private Ryan, but similar to Full Metal Jacket or Jarhead as far as plot and pacing, i.e. boot camp then battle.

Take Hal, John, Kyle and Guy and have them all in the movie together (I know this would never happen). Maybe Kyle is the new addition to the Corps, or they are all new recruits... idk.

In any event this is my cast:

-Beware my power, Green lantern's light.


  1. I'd love a green lantern movie, the lanterns are my favorite DC franchise.

  2. it sounds like its happening, Chris Pine the New Kirk has been approached, or so he said in an interview.

  3. Chris Pine - I've seen about 6 collective minutes of him acting...he's got pretty-boy features. We'll see how he does in Star Trek.
    I'm gonna give the nod to the biggest second-banana in recent years, Mr. James Marsden. It's time he got the chance to win for once.

    Casey Affleck - Likin' the personality for this one, but wondering about the physicality...He seems more shlubby than active but I guess that's where Kyle might start too, before becoming interstellar cop man. Hey, if Jake Gylenhaal can bulk up (like he has for Prince of Persia), then so can Casey.

    Scott Caan - I see where you're going with this, with he and Casey and their chemistry from Ocean's...We discussed Denis Leary for this role, but he might be too old considering the age range of the other principals...but some sort of Dr. Romano-type insufferable asshole for this role...maybe a bit harder-core than Varsity Blues.

    Michael Jai White - Spawn? Gamble? Come on! He sucks. All he does is growl and let other people steal his scenes. For John Stewart, I nominate Djimon Hounsou. Now he's a bad-ass. (Though I reserve the right to recast him in a potentially better role in another DCU cast)

    Like Gandolfini, Kingsley and Serkis....As for S.B.C. as Sinestro...I like it. It's an interesting choice, since he hasn't really shown his chops outside of his comfort zone yet.
