Wednesday, April 22, 2009

OK... so the blogs have been somewhat lacking lately, I know. For those interested, work has gotten busy, I am working at Williams on the weekends, and I have been trying to get my ass in gear as far as some of the comics I am trying to self-publish.

In any event I normally would recommend a comic I read... you know what? I still will... POW: read War of Kings, its full of cosmic goodness, I promise.

Ok so here's the straight and narrow of it all I am currently working on three to four ideas that I hope to eventually pitch/submit to independent publishers. Here are the key issues I have had thus far with the process:
  1. Finding time to sit down and write/having time to write when I am really feeling creative. I tend to have ideas/get inspiration at the most random times. In any event this is all on me.
  2. Working with people. I am a control freak. I know I am, and I worry that if I work with friends I'll piss them off. If I work with strangers I am less concerned with pissing them off, and more concerned with having the right chemistry as far as collaborating goes.
  3. Keeping focus on one idea. I have had ideas for: comic series, comic strips, blogs, youtube videos, even a pro-wrestling stable... I know I have to sit down and focus on one, but at times its hard not to get wrapped up in the new idea of the day/week.
  4. Not ripping off someone else's ideas... I was going to name a character Blue Bolt... only to find that Jack Kirby and Joe Simon created a character with that same name way before me.... well great.
Anyway, those issues aside I have been seriously developing four ideas:

Unsung Heroes (That is probably not the title I'll be going with) - In Unsung Heroes, to be a superhero is to be a celebrity. Perez Hilton Blogs about you, the Paparazzi follow you, and the actual hero-ing is often curtailed by consumerism. This story discusses the burdens of great power and great influence. For some of the characters in this potential series, their fame is their most powerful asset.

The main character King is equal parts Jay-Z and Superman. Overtime he has built up Crowne Inc, a branding that sells everything from champagne to kid clothes. For King, the role of businessman is slowly beginning to supersede the role of superhero.

and that's all I have to say about that.

Fallen - is Hellboy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, meets Burn Notice. The main character Donovan was an angel that fell to Earth in an effort to infiltraite Hell's armies. The series begins with him imprisoned in Hell. He escapes, only to find out that as far as the forces of good are concerned he is a traitor, and Hell wants his head on a pike. The series cast would (thus far) include: Hephaestus, an escape artist, a demon and Donovan. But this is probably the roughest of my current ideas.

This blog is getting pretty long so I'll cut it off here.
Hopefully I will be getting pitches put together for these ideas, and perhaps others, in the next month or so.

Wish me luck.

-and your gone...


  1. that finger clutching that photo looks gross lol why?

  2. I changed the contrast so the pencils showed up better... lol it does look kinda strange.
