Thursday, April 2, 2009


I am here to call for a moratorium on Barack Obama appearances in comic books. WE GET IT. He's cool. It's ground breaking that he's president. I was there. I voted for him. But this exploitation of his likeness to sell shitty comic books really sickens me.

My biggest complaint with the entire Barack-sploitation is, (Amazing Spider-Man aside) its the world's shittiest comics that have decided to "feature" Barack Obama. Honestly... Youngblood? Savage Dragon? The last time you were cool people were wearing Sketcherz (it's the S), Jynco Jeans, and a their favorite No Fear shirt, while reading about the cool new aggressive inline skates they bought from K2 and listening to KoRn on their CD PLAYER!

And now, there's Devil's Due Publishing. Who the fuck are you? What have you published? Sheena Queen of the Jungle? Good Hustle! OH... wait.... wait, I'm sorry you're based out of Chicago. You must have carte-blanche because you and Obama frequent the same Starbucks!

Here's a taste of DDP's Barack Books...

"DRAFTED: 100 DAYS: Devil's Due's original Sci-Fi hit returns with this double-sized one-shot featuring the President who could have been. Mark Powers offers a poignant look at a man the world never got to see achieve his true greatness when a race from beyond the stars drafted our planet into intergalactic war. See how he struggles, just as every other man, woman and child on Earth does in this truly inspiring story. As can be expected from Powers, there's one other difference about our hero in this story in that due to an injury... he is MUTE." -Newsarama Reports

OH MAN... he's mute! Thats some M. Night Shyamalan shit! What would the President thats gifted with a silver tounge do without his voice?!?!? That's edgey man... that's hardXcore!!!

Here's another DDP borderline racist gem... "BARACK THE BARBARIAN: QUEST FOR THE TREASURE OF STIMULI: Devil's Due and

Larry Hama (G.I. Joe, Wolverine) take political satire to a whole new level. Hama, a surprise hire to some, but not to those who truly know his tastes, will take a look at the current state of politics both past and present and isn't afraid to point fun at Washinton's sacred cows. In the distant future the story of Barack Obama has become a little... distorted. According to THE MADDOWIAN CHRONICLES he was the one destined to save the great republic of America and dethrone the overpaid despots of the time. Join Barack, Sorceress Hilaria, her demi-god trickster husband Biil, Overlord Boosh and Chainknee of the From Barack the BarbarianElephant Kingdom. Who can the lone barbarian trust, if anyone?" - Newsarama Reports

Overlord Boosh! CLASSIC! Get it... Boosh... like Bush?Ha ha GOOD ONE GUYS! Oh George W., he purposely tried to ruin America because he stinks! I hate him!

Your comic features George Bush, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin and Bill Clinton! Get up on your current events. Here's a link to, the election is over. That sorta sophomoric satire MIGHT have been funny like 4 months ago, but you very clearly missed the boat. You'll notice Tina Fey gave up the Palin act like 4, or more, months ago...

Meanwhile, weeks ago Marvel Editor Steve Wacker and master-artist Erik Larsen had a slap fight over who held rights over Barack Obama (p.s. for the record I'm with Team Wacker on this one), and Rob Liefeld is still drawing everyone with two left feet.

I guess I am less outraged by the former Obama comics, than by the latter ones. During the election it was ok. It was relevant, and it made sense. And let's be honest, Amazing Spider-man doesn't need Barack Obama to sell comics. Spider-Man's sales are going to be solid week in and week out no matter what.

But for EVERYONE else it's just a cheap stunt. They aren't publishing Obamics for any reason other than their material can't stand alone without some underhanded, ill-conceived, phony unsubstancial political message that leeches off of the current president's popularity.

It is nothing more than a cheap trick, that fools people who don't give a damn about your comics into buying them.

So no more Obamics!


P.S. While we're at lets put a stop to those photoshopped pictures of yourself to look like Shepard Fairey's Obama Hope painting that are all over Facebook.
  1. He's a rip off artist.
  2. The election is over.
  3. You ain't no Barack!Shit pisses me off!


  1. Hmm...I agree about the cheapness of using Obama to sell comic books. However, Erik Larsen has often used the current president in his comics. Perhaps as a way of establishing his real-time continuity. Not everyone has to love Savage Dragon, like I do, but can I not have a picture from it pop up when I do a web search for "shitty comic"?

  2. if i search for baseball i'll get a picture of babe ruth.
    if i search for shitty comic i'll get savage dragon.

    at the end of the day it is what it is.

  3. Sorry dude, apparently you can't. I HATE Savage Dragon like Captain Hook HATE, HATE, HATES Peter Pan. I honestly just don't enjoy it any part of it.

    If you're into it, that's cool.

    Honestly, as far as I know I am the planets only Waterworld fan...

    Them's the breaks.
