Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The Fairy Tales worlds you were raised on have been conquered by an unknown Adversary, characters you know and love like Snow White, Little Boy Blue, the Big Bad Wolf and the Frog Prince are refugees living in Exile in our world. Their hidden community is nestled right below our noses in the heart of NYC.

That's the premise of Bill Willingham's Fables, a comic that honestly blew me away when I began reading it.

Fables has a rich and interesting cast that spans every fairy tale you can think of. But the characters we all know and love have changed, they have grown, and most instances have been hardened by war.
Furthermore, Fables reveals that not everyone's lives were as perfect as their tales may have seemed. Case in point, Snow White, Cinderella, and Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) all fell in love with their "Prince Charming," however it turned out to be the same Prince Charming for each of them.

That is just one of numerous spins that Fables places on our common fairy tale worlds.

Also, Fables features a consistent and well delivered brand of: action, drama, and humor, that I would liken to that of an HBO or Showtime series. That drama, though fantastic in subject, is presented in a surprisingly down to earth and relate-able manor. Whether it's Little Boy Blue's cunning one manned assault into the "Homelands," the tragic tale of the Frog Prince Flycatcher's family, or the love affair between Bigby (the Big Bad Wolf) and Snow White (the first of Prince Charming's long line of divorcees), you always have an intimate understanding of each characters motives.

Writer Bill Willingham has crafted a series that really defies explanation and traditional accolades. I guess in short I would describe it as an amazing contemporary fantasy that in many ways I would compare it to the likes of Pans Labyrinth and Hellboy 2, in scale, tone and, aesthetic.

The really optimistic fan of comic books hopes that this series may have some measurable impact, I honestly believe it's that good.

...we'll see.

- snicker-snack!

1 comment:

  1. I always have ment to read this. I never got around to it though.
